Guest blogging is another way of showing your expertise to another website owner by writing on their site.
But the question is;
Do have difficulty finding topics for guest blogging?
On thing about finding topics for guest blogging is that;
You need to learn how to research for finding topics related to the site you want to do guest post.
Before this;
How do you understand by this word guest blogging?
Let’s talk about the word guest. view the word guest as an often well known people invited to participate or perform in a regular program, series, as a substitute for a regular member or as a special attention.
Cambridge Dictionary view guest as a person such as an entertainer, who has been invited to appear on a television or radio program or in a performance.
Computer hope also view guest as users who are not register member in their forum but who are willing to chat.
From those views, guest are people who are not a participant or register member but are invited to do some performance or activities.
So try to connect that in the aspects of blogging.
If you look at Susan Gunelius idea of understanding guest blogging;
“Guest blogging is a method use by site owners of blogs to increase traffic to their site”.
But how do they use this to increase their site traffic?
Here is what Susan Gunelius further said;
“They offer to write content for other similar blogs to their industry as guest blogger”.
But, do you have the idea of why they offer to write content on other blogs?
Apart from traffic increase, their are benefit of doing that.
The benefit is to have that opportunity to promote their name and blog in their industry.
In other for this to work, they will receive link in exchange of writing content to other blogs to their blog.
Before I discuss with you about finding topics for guest blogging, let’s talk about the benefits of guest blogging.
Benefit Of Guest Blogging
If you look at the comments from Writer In Charge about the benefits of guest blogging, you will see lot of benefits and experience.
From the comments;
Kharim Tomlinson said that guest post is a source of traffic and exposure to him. It is also a way of building relationships with other bloggers and the people who comment on their article.
Kristi Hines also said guest blogging definitely help build your authority across all channels, subscribers, social, followers and overall recognition of personal brand.
Extreme John said guest blogging is a good way to be everywhere online and reaching out more people.
There are lot of benefits from Onibalusi article.
Apart from that;
Another benefits is the one written by Vikas Agrawal.
According to Vikas Agrawal;
“If you want to spread your brand’s message and win the trust of your target audience, start contributing content to their blog related to your market or niche”.
So that is why he wrote his article that about the benefits of contributing content to other blog.
These benefits are;
One thing about Vikas Agrawal article based on the benefits of guest blogging is that, it’s a little different from Onibalusi.
Now that you have read some of the benefit of guest blogging, here is the big question;
Do you know how to find blog to guest post on?
How To Find Blogs For Guest Blogging
Over the years till now, guest blogging has win its popularity in blog industries.
“I highly recommend guest blogging as an excellent way to build your reputation and improve your seo….Neil Patel From Quick Sprout”
In terms of building reputation, guest blogging help you put your brand before your audience.
Not only that;
You will earn thousands of loyal readers.
Above all;
To get those opportunities and benefits of guest blogging, you need to find out how to find blogs for guest blogging.
If you are looking for the best site to guest blog, there are important things to consider.
Those things you are going to consider can be found in Gary Bek article.
The article discusses those things you need to consider when looking for the best site to do guest post.
They are;
The other part of the article also list those thing to consider when find relevant site that accept guest post in your niche.
Which are;
It also discuss some ways you can check if the blog is worth to guest blog.
Another one about how to find blog for guest blogging is the one written by Neil Patel.
Write For Yourself Before Guest Blogging
There is something Neil Patel said if you are looking for guest blogging opportunity;
“Do the writing yourself.”
What he mean is writing on your own site.
He also list out the four qualifications you can take in other to write for yourself in which he has use and it work for him.
But the question is;
How is this related to finding the best blog for guest blogging?
According to Neil Patel, it is important to write for yourself because;
Apart from that;
You need to check their social media presence.
There are lot more you can find in Neil Patel article in aspects of finding the best blog for guest blogging.
You can read these articles;
The Definitive Guide To Guest Blogging from Backlinko
The Ultimate Guide To Guest Blogging from Kissmetrics
From all this;
Where do you think you can find compelling topics for guest blogging?
Where To Find Guest Blogging Topics
Where do you always find topics for your blog article?
To some people, as they keep on writing articles they come to realise that finding topics for their article can be tiresome.
Unless you are a professional writer.
So how about you!
Where do you find topic for your blog article?
Well, if feel you know how to do that, it’s ok.
If you are having difficulty on how to find topics for your blog article, you can download and read chapter 2 of Advance Guide To Content Marketing
That means it won’t be too difficult to find guest blogging topics.
Saba from shoutmeloud said something about writing a guest post for blog owners;
You want to write title that catch the attention of the blog owner, and which is relevant to your target market.
You like it to valuable for blog readers and unique all at the same time.
But the problem is;
It is easy said and done to find topics that cover all of what you want.
This is why she wrote the article that list out ways you can find topics for guest post.
“If you are a typical link seeker attempting to earn link through guest blogging, you are probably more of an entrepreneur than you are a blogger…Dan Ripoll from Search Engine Journal.”
Dan Ripoll from search engines journal list out the secret to creating endless guest blogging topics.
Though am going to list few which are:
The reasons for that list is that;
Bloggers had come to see the important of guest blogging, which is;
It is good for link building strategy.
Jason Acidre also discuss about where you can find topics for guest blogging.
The reason why his article is different from others I mentioned is that;
He discuss about platforms you can use to get topics for guest blogging.
Those platforms are;
So those are the platforms Jason Acidre was talking about, in terms of finding topics for guest blogging.
If you are having difficulty in finding topics for guest blogging;
You you need to learn how to do research for finding topics related to the site you want to do guest post.
You can also follow the examples and author’s if you are having difficulty for finding topics here to guest blog.
Apart from that;
You can use Jason Acidre ideas of using platforms for finding topics for guest blogging.
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